Palashi Vaghela

Palashi Vaghela

Hi, I’m Palashi!

I’m a President’s Postdoctoral Fellow at University of California, San Diego. In 2025, I will be joining Simon Fraser University as an Assistant Professor in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology.

I got my PhD in Information Science at Cornell University. I am an engineer turned feminist scholar, researcher, writer, poet, and activist working at the intersection of society and technology for more than a decade.

💡 Critical and Interpretive Studies of Technology

👩🏽‍💻 Human-Computer Interaction

🤳🏽 Computer-Supported Cooperative Work

⚖️ Technology, Justice and Equity


(Picture of a person of South Asian heritage, medium dark brown hair and olive medium brown skin tone standing in a forest with a tote bag and a blue jacket in hand)


2023-24 - President’s Postdoctoral Fellow, UC San Diego

2022-23 - Teaching Assistant for Cornell Information Science

2021-22 - International Dissertation Fellow at Social Science Research Council

2020-21 - Visiting Scholar at Microsoft Research India and Media Der Kooperation

